Project Description:
New demands have been placed on Information Systems for the management of consent withdrawal under GDPR. This research proposes to identify the relationships between the underlying variables for consent withdrawal management in IS. The resulting research will be utilised in approaches to designing, deploying or improving information systems for consent withdrawal requirements of GDPR.
New demands have been placed on Information Systems for the management of consent withdrawal under GDPR. This research proposes to identify the relationships between the underlying variables for consent withdrawal management in IS. The resulting research will be utilised in approaches to designing, deploying or improving information systems for consent withdrawal requirements of GDPR.
Researchers: Gabriel Hogan (DCU, ADAPT Centre), Markus Helfert (MU, IVI), Donal Fitzpatrick (DCU)
Funding: DCU, ADAPT Centre (SFI & ERDF)
Timeframe: 2017-2022
About the Researchers: